Metacritic scores are a big deal in the gaming world. When a gamer wants to know how a game plays and doesn’t want to read a lengthy review, they go there, as all reviews are compiled into one average score. Naturally, the games with the highest scores are reviewed best amongst critics while games with the lowest are not.
Metacritic’s first annual Game Platform Power Rankings were held this year and the PlayStation 3 has come out on top as best platform, beating out Xbox 360, Wii, DS and PSP; and with the top ten best-reviewed games also featuring five PlayStation 3 games.
Let’s look at the breakdown.
As you can see, PlayStation 3 has beaten both PC and Xbox 360 with its ratio of good to bad games. Metacritic notes that “PS3 owners could choose from some of the top-rated games of the year,” leading into the next chart.
This chart displays the best-reviewed games of any platform for 2009. Uncharted 2 tops the chart, followed by Modern Warfare 2 on PlayStation 3, then Street Fighter IV. The Xbox 360 enters the ring with Modern Warfare 2 (360 version) as number four, then Nintendo DS takes spot five with GTA: Chinatown Wars. You get the deal.
It certainly was an exciting year for games. 2010 only holds more.
The Best Games of 2009 [Metacritic]