Welcome to a new segment we have here on SCRAWL, “Games We Want on the PLAYSTATION 3“. In these short articles we will tell you what games we want on the PLAYSTATION 3 from other consoles, why, and developer’s comments on them. You might just hear something unexpected and we might just have an exclusive. This week is POSTAL III. Hit the jump to see why, the possibility, and what CEO Vince Desi has to say about it.
POSTAL III for Xbox 360/PC (Running With Scissors)
Game Videos: Comic-Con ’07 Alpha Gameplay Video
Why? If you’ve ever played any game in the Postal series, you’d know all of them were great. POSTAL III promises to be a hysterically violent title that will give you a load of laughs. Following the “accidental†nuclear destruction of Paradise AZ in the previous entry, we rejoin the Postal Dude as he and his semi-faithful pitbull Champ arrive in Catharsis, AZ. Due to the absurdly high price of gas, the Dude is forced to subject himself to a string of demeaning temp jobs to earn some cash so he can escape the insanity and corruption of Catharsis. Expanding on the Freewill concept of the previous titles, missions do not require killing for completion, this is left to the discretion of the player. POSTAL III‘s unique, edgy humor fuels a branching storyline that rewards the Good and “punishes” the Insane. It is a hysterical title basically, that we think should see light on the PLAYSTATION 3.
Possibility: Developers at Running With Scissors stated during the press release for the release date of the game that it may come to the PLAYSTATION 3 shortly after it’s initial release. Running With Scissors CEO Vince Desi stated that they “are seriously considering PlayStation 3,”. I wouldn’t lose hope, as “seriously” is a big word.
Developer’s Comment: When we contacted Running With Scissor’s CEO Vince Desi, he replied stating something very good for PLAYSTATION 3 owners. “We are now in the early stage of designing POSTAL III for the PS3. Every developer has their own approach, so while we started first on the Xbox 360, we are now committing to the PS3 as well, and hopefully who knows maybe even the Wii.” So there you have it, POSTAL III is coming to the PLAYSTATION 3 and you heard it from us.